Taking Control Over Your Body

Are you struggling with a recent injury or chronic joint, muscle, or nerve pain that prevents you from enjoying your normal work, family and recreational activities? 

Mitchell Blakney PT is here to provide relief.

You No Longer Have to Live in Pain.

Schedule your appointment and start seeing change in your body right away!

Our Therapy and Rehabilitation Services

Visit Mitchell Blakney PT to work with a talented physical therapist who will create a personalized physical therapy program that will help you restore normal function and get you back to your normal activities in comfort.

If you're suffering from physical limitations as a result of an accident, injury, or illness, you may need a helping hand recovering your normal strength, range of motion and function. Mitchell Blakney PT is here to help.

It's essential to stay active to maintain strength and balance as you age. Mitchell Blakney PT assists seniors in regaining function after injury and maintaining a healthy active lifestyle.

A physical therapist can assist you to achieve the fastest and most complete recovery possible. If you had less than optimal results from your surgery you may still be able to improve your strength and function with rehabilitation.

Getting the Help You Need

The truth is that no one is free from the possibility of physical injuries. Even the healthiest of individuals can find themselves sidelined in an instant and without warning.

Mitchell Blakney PT can help you overcome those hurdles and accelerate your recovery process. We'll make sure that your body is stronger than ever!

We accept Medicare, VA, and most major medical plans. If you have a high deductible or co-pay or do not currently have health insurance, we have a very affordable cash pay option available.

F E A T U R E S  A N D  B E N E F I T S

Why Choose Mitchell Blakney PT?

Stronger Body

We help you create a stronger body that's more resistant to injury in the future.

Faster Recovery

Physical therapy is proven to enhance the recovery time following injuries or surgical operations.

Get Active

Therapy is designed to enhance your strength and agility and allow you to lead a healthy, active lifestyle.

Easy Scheduling

Schedule your care online, by phone, or with your therapist following your treatment.

Get Educated

The most value I can give you for the money you spend on physical therapy is careful instruction on how to care for your own body and a carefully thought out progressive exercise program you can do at home. 

Chart Progress

We chart your progress so that you can see how far you've come, and what it takes to see the finish.

Your Road to Recovery

Start putting your injuries behind you today and schedule your appointment now.
Call Us Today (253) 318-6665

Meet Mitchell

Mitchell Blakney PT

Physical Therapist/Owner

Mitchell Blakney has been practicing Physical Therapy for over 35 years. He started his first practice in Gig Harbor in 1989, and was the founder and head therapist at Harbor PT, still located in the PT Fosdick Medical Building. Mitchell left Harbor PT in 2010 and moved to Carson, WA so his wife Jonette could take a call at Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheran Church. Since moving back to Gig Harbor in 2019, Mitchell continued to work part-time in a local physical therapy office, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic decided to take time off to help take care of his grandchildren. As the epidemic subsided he decided he could serve his clients better in a small, solo practice in a private relaxed space.

Mitchell Blakney PT is a private physical therapy practice on Olympic Dr. NW Gig Harbor across the street from Harbor Greens. He works one-on-one with each client and schedules one visit per hour to allow careful reassessment, adequate time for manual therapy and a carefully designed home exercise program. Mitchell offers an affordable self-pay option for rapid access or for those with no insurance, a high co-pay or high deductible. He has 35 years of experience in outpatient orthopedic physical therapy and still loves his work.

As a veteran myself, I understand the special needs of and love to care for veterans!

You No Longer Have to Live in Pain.

Schedule your appointment and start seeing change in your body right away!

See What Our Happy Clients Have To Say!

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